Friday, April 3, 2015

Spring 2015 Favorites Online

Spring has finally decided to show up here in North Carolina. Looks like it will be in the 70-80 degree range for the next couple of days. That means dresses, sandals, and short sleeved tops without freezing!

I've done a little online window shopping on the Loft, J Crew, and Sole Society websites and found some really cute Spring things I'd just love in my wardrobe (if only my bank account would allow it...sigh). The great part is that both J Crew Factory and the Loft are having great sales right now, so check them out!

My outfits these days basically consist of a solid top, a statement necklace, and flats. I tend to like simple clothing with little details like ruffles, lace, or zippers. I'm all about comfort while also looking put together and cute!

Also, as you can see, I'm loving anything coral, mint, or navy!

What Spring styles have your eye? :)


  1. I recently purchased the ruffle sleeve top from JCrew Factory too! I got the green color cause I have way too much black... I'm loving those coral sandals! Cute blog! :)

  2. Thanks, girl! I saw the green one, but I have a thing for neutrals! I have to constantly remind myself to get something in a color every once in awhile :)

  3. Love those, Heather! There are some beautiful things out there this spring! Especially that dress! So gorgeous!
