Friday, October 18, 2013

Abounding Thanks

God has really been nailing me with the principle of thanksgiving recently. He has blessed me with so much that I too often take for granted. There are times that I do not even notice His loving hand at work , and yet, He is always there. Always loving. Always on my behalf.
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught abounding in thanksgiving. -Colossians 2:6-7
I have received Him and He has washed my sins scarlet to pure, unmarked, untainted snow. He has made me not just a servant but a child. His child. He only asks that I walk with Him constantly, not too quickly to jump ahead and not lagging but right beside Him as He guides. Rooted and built in the faith, what do I do now?

Give thanks.

But not just give thanks. Abound in thanksgiving. Let the joy overflow from my covetous, conceited soul. Thank Him for the big and for the small, the noticed and the overlooked, all significant blessings in the eyes of God.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Life Lately...And A Little Grace.

Okay, so it's almost October and my last post (in which I promised myself mostly I'd be writing more) was in August. I should really get myself together. Maybe one of these days...

But these last few weeks have been crazy busy! I just recently started working full-time at my daycare (yay!) so most of my days are filled with childish laughter, sticky hands, and time-outs. Exciting, huh? I'm loving it. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing.

Of course I've still been keeping up with my favorite blogs, some of which I talked about in my last post. These people really make me want to go shopping which is an issue considering I'm broke! ( but really). I love getting ideas about how to mix up my wardrobe because I find myself buying something and re-wearing it the same way over and over until it wears out. Like, a lot.

Anyway, I've been reading a fantastic Christian book entitled "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. She is an awesome writer. Her style is very unique from many books I've read before which I definitely like. While reading I feel as though I'm reading a detailed journal about this woman's deepest thoughts and day-to-day events. The book is about recognizing the beauty and grace of God's gifts, most of which we tend to be far to busy to ever notice. She has such a unique perspective of the world in general. One of my favorite quotes from the book that I just read the other day:

"Humbly let go. Let go of trying to do, let go of trying to control...let go of m own way, let go of my own fears. Let God blow His wind, His trials, oxygen for joy's fire. Leave the hand open and be. Bend the knee and be small and let God give what God chooses to give because He only gives love and whisper surprised thanks. This is the fuel for joy's flame."

Pretty awesome, right? She talks much about why God allows the things in our life we would name "bad" to happen. But that's just it. We entitle things good or bad. All things God allows are for good. He has a perfect plan for everything if we just let go and let Him do what He intends because He only intends good for us. He only intends love and grace and joy for His loved.

So are you in the market for a good Christian living read? Here it is on amazon.