Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Girl Behind the Blog

As inspired by Kerri at Girl With A Latte, I just want to let you as a reader know a little more about the person that I am. So today I'm going to share ten random things you may or may not know about me!

As follows :

1. I'm pretty much a sucker for anything floral or striped.

2. My whole house is decorated cohesively in greys and light blues with splashes of yellow, red, navy, etc.

3. My favorite color combination to wear is navy, pink, and turquoise.

4. I'm definitely a budget/clearance shopper. This goes for about anything.

5. My favorite band is Coldplay. Also love Mumford & Sons, Oasis, The Paper Kites, and anything else coffee shop/alternative.

6. I've played the clarinet for about 11 years. Although I quit the school band after middle school, I've continued to play for churches and even just for my own enjoyment. It's one of my passions.

7. I love learning new recipes! I usually try at least 1-2 new recipes every week.

8. I'm always up for a treat from Starbucks or any frozen yogurt place. Actually, I probably consume more sugar on a daily basis than any one person should. I should probably cut back...

9. I work across the street from the largest library in Greenville (that I know of). I keep a running list of books I want to read.

10. I've seen every single episode of Gilmore Girls at least 5 times, I'm sure of it. My lovely sister bought me the whole set for Christmas a few years ago. I secretly wish I could be Lorelei and Rory's best friend.

I also love learning more about other bloggers, so what are some things that make you, you? :)

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