Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Christian Style/Beauty Blog? Is That Even Possible?

Now, I'm going to begin this post by reminding you that this is a self-proclaimed style/beauty/Christian blog. Does that seem a little oxymoronic to you? Sometimes to me it has. If you're a Christian who struggles with the idea of having a blog that also features topics like beauty, fashion, or other things that have gained the reputation for being "vain", keep reading.

I'm a total girl. I absolutely love updating my wardrobe, learning a new way to style an article of clothing, and trying a new lip color, and I love blogs that feature posts on these topics. Here on Lace, Pearls, and Grace you will see me blog about things like this from time to time. These labels can make up one difficult combination to balance.

The reason is because blogs are a form of media, and similar to magazines like Seventeen, fashion ads, and television, they can sometimes portray that beauty is wearing the right clothes, having the ideal body washed in the perfect tan, and really just possessing things.

Our culture portrays a really messed up definition of beauty because the truth is that it's version is completely unattainable. We can't be perfect, no matter how hard we try. We are inherintly flawed due to our sin, and no amount of clothes, shoes, time in the tanning bed, or beauty products can change that. It's also important to remember that the girls in magazine ads and blog posts aren't perfect either. Their lives may appear to be perfect, but they're not. They're flawed and imperfect, too, and the truth is that they're all just searching for the same thing. We all have an emptiness inside of us that can only be filled with God.

That's what makes blogging about these topics together difficult. But can it be done? I believe so.

I believe that the key to maintaining a style/beauty blog as a Christian is to remember where you find true fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy. No, it's not in that new pair of shoes or the perfectly attained cat eye. It's in Jesus Christ. If ever I try to find these things that He alone offers in anything else, I will be left feeling disappointed and unfulfilled. But is having a love for style or beauty necessarily wrong? No, as long as you keep everything in proper perspective. God must come first, and everything else follows.

Maybe you're also a Christian blogger who happens to have a passion for these things. Or maybe yours is travel, cooking, or something else! I encourage you to keep blogging about what you love, but remember that at the end of the day, Christ is all that matters and He is the only place you will find true fulfillment.

I love reading your comments! What is your perspective on blogging? How do you keep Christ first while also blogging about the things you love?


  1. Quite refreshing to find a fellow Christian blogging. Great post. Besides one blog post for me it is two parts of my life that I rarely mix.


    1. I guess that's because they seem a little contradictory? I hope this encouraged you to bring it into the mix more!
