Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mass Nostalgia

This weekend I watched some of my best friends graduate from the Christian college I attended for 2 years, the one that my husband graduated from last year.

It was a good graduation, and I'm so happy and excited for my friends as they make decisions over the next few months regarding where God wants them to be.

It's just crazy hard to believe that four years passed so quickly. I remember packing and loading cardboard boxes filled with my belongings and taking the thirty minute trip to the college that I would attend for two years. I learned so much, and I changed as a person so much more than I ever thought possible. The college experience overall had its many up and downs, but I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world. I made lifelong friends that mean the world to me. We crammed for tests, made happy hour Sonic runs (accidentally getting the Route 64 size ha!), talked about everything, and laughed together far more than we cried. These were some of the best years of my life.

But don't get me wrong, I love where I am now. I love my husband, our apartment, our church, and the life we're building together. I'm so excited about what God has planned for us because I just know it's going to be awesome. He's been so good to us in the area of godly friendships and I'm so thankful for that, because I know it's not something that everyone has. It was something I didn't have for a time in my life and that I don't want to take for granted now.

But time moves on, and so do we. We grow up and do different things and move to different places. But these people will forever be stamped on my heart. 

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