Monday, November 25, 2013

Nineteen Degrees

It was 19 degrees outside when I woke up this morning. Brrr.

Where did fall go? Thanksgiving is this week and I'm so excited about the time I'll be off work and with my family.

It's technically still fall, but here are some things I love about winter :

1. Bundling up! Heavy coats, scarves, gloves, hats, boots :)

2. Seat warmers in my car (LOVE this feature!)

3. Peppermint Mocha creamer in my homemade coffee

4. Starbucks anything. I love Starbuck's white chocolate mocha year-round (my fave), but it's somehow so much more delicious when the temperature comes down outside! Side note: I had a white chocolate mocha from McDonald's this morning also (later after the Peppermint Mocha...) and it wasn't that great. I'd rather splurge another dollar and get one from Starbucks. Their hot chocolate is good too for you non-coffee people out there. I feel deeply for you. Truly.

5. Cozy-ing (so not a word) up on the couch with a blanket, a good book, and a cup of coffee. Or even swap the book for a good movie. Or the cup of coffee for homemade hot chocolate.

6. Christmas music. Yes, I have already started listening to it. Especially Michael Buble. Enough said here.

7. Holidays coming up! This means Christmas shopping. I love shopping, even when it's not for myself ;)

8. Christmas parades!

9. Christmas lights.'s a little early to be even talking about this. But starting next week, perhaps?

10. Charlie Brown holiday specials.

And I made it to ten. My plans for this week? Work through Wednesday, church Thanksgiving dinner Tuesday night, Thanksgiving with family Thursday, Black Friday shopping and Catching Fire on Friday!

May the odds be evah in your favor.

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