Friday, November 22, 2013

Making the Most of My Closet

I have come to reeeeally love blogs. I have a list of blogs that I look forward to reading on a daily basis, which I actually wrote about here. Of course I've mentioned The Small Things Blog is my absolute favorite. If you've somehow haven't experienced the greatness that is Pinterest, and you therefore haven't seen her many hairstyling tutorials, she's definitely worth checking out! She's the best at natural-looking makeup tutorials. They have pretty much changed my life...dramatic much?

I love reading about all types of things, like encouraging spiritual posts, delicious recipes, crafts, and clothes. I really enjoy the blogs that inspire me to mix things up a little in my closet or try out things that I wouldn't usually wear.

In fact, I just read an old post of Janssen's about how she ruthlessly took the plunge to go through her closet and get rid of things that she never wears (twice, actually!) I really related with her when she said she hates to throw out things because she equates it with throwing out money. Unless an article of clothing has a stain that won't come out or a rip of some sort, I usually won't throw it away right away. I'll stare at the piece, wondering if there is some way, some how, that I could just make it work.

But then I realize that I just don't like it. It's that simple, huh? So why do I allow it to take up a hanger in my closet that could be used by an article of clothing that I absolutely love?

That's my plan for slowly perfecting my wardrobe. I want it to be so much easier to put together outfits, and I want to have a closet that can be easily mixed up to create many different options.

Some tips I've learned from blogs:

1. Neutrals are your best friend. The great thing about neutrals is in the name itself : they go with anything...include each other! If you have a closet with mostly neutrals, you can basically mix and match your entire closet to create endless outfit possibilities.

2. You can't go wrong with solids. Once you've laid a good foundation of neutrals, the solids will be a second group that you can bring into the mix.

3. Don't have too many different patterns. This is really a tip I'm going to try to apply to my own wardrobe. I feel like it's going to work for do what you feel is best for you! A wild patterned blouse could really go well with a solid black skirt, but it may not match much else in your closet. My plan is to stick with only two of my favorite patterns: polka dots and stripes (for the most part...I will probably still have some other patterned options, but very few). Pattern mixing is huge right now, and polka dots and stripes are easy, classic patterns that will probably never go out of style. I really don't ever wear plaid to be honest, but that would be another easy pattern to mix. Gingham is another favorite :)

4. Have a good selection of accessories. Necklaces, earrings, belts, name it! They are an easy way to add a little fun to an overall simple wardrobe.

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